Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Emily Dickinson s Poem, Because I Could Not Stop For Death

Emily Dickinson is known for writing poems that relate to death and dying, and the poem â€Å"Because I could not stop for death† is no exception. This is a narrative poem that illustrates the passage from life to death as a carriage ride through a quiet town. In this particular poem, the speaker has already passed away and is remembering what seems to be a fond memory, however that is not revealed till the final stanza. There are only two characters, The speaker and Death. The speaker is a lady who is reminiscing on a carriage ride she took with Death. She conveys her ride in a very light manner, almost as one would of a pleasant first date. Her tone is very calm and she seems almost at ease, as she and Death take a slow ride through town. She introduces Death in the first stanza as if he was a gentleman with manners. Throughout the entire poem Death is personified as a polite man. This is first implied in Line 2 when the speaker says â€Å"he kindly stopped for me-†. Hearing this can also suggest to the readers that the speaker is not afraid of death but perhaps even relieved â€Å"he† had finally arrived. There is no evidence to suggest how this particular lady in the poem died. However in Line 5, when the speaker says, â€Å"We drove slowly- He knew no haste†, could be inferred that she died slowly, maybe from a terminal sickness. As they are riding along they pass children playing in the school yard, fields of grain, and the setting sun. Finally at the end of the poem, they reach theirShow MoreRelatedEmily Dickinson s Poem, Because I Could Not Stop For Death854 Words   |  4 Pages Death is everywhere. From the insect you killed this morning to the family member you lose recently, there is no force stronger than death. Emily Dickinson, a 19th century writer, indulges that fact but also goes beyond it in her work. Dickinson revisits the theme of death in her poetry. Through her work, she shows readers her fascination with de ath the emotions associated with it. In â€Å"I heard a Fly buzz—when I died† and â€Å"I’ve seen a Dying Eye†, Dickinson shows us a very intimate view of a personRead MoreThe Author That I Decided To Discuss The Literary Significance1232 Words   |  5 PagesThe author that I decided to discuss the literary significance is Emily Dickinson. Dickinson was born, raised, and in Amherst, Massachusetts in December 10, 180 and died May 15, 1886 in the same state. Her father was Edward Dickinson, and her mother was also named Emily, Emily Norcross Dickinson. Emily Dickinson went to Mount Holyoke College, a small private school in South Hadley, Massachusetts. She’s known as one of the best American Poet. Emily s poem were frequently perceived by a wide rangeRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Dickinson s Poem My Life Had Stood- A Loaded Gun 993 Words   |  4 PagesEmily Dickinson is a very famous and accomplished poet with over 1700 published poems. Several of her poems are similar in theme, and also similar in bringing out human emotions that we humans usually try to avoid. The common theme in most of Dickinson s poems is the wonders of nature, and the identity of self, as well as death and life. The five poems with the common theme of death are: â€Å"My Life had Stood- A Loaded Gun†, â€Å"I Heard A Fly Buzz- When I Died†, â€Å"Behind Me Dips- Eternity†, â€Å"Because IRead MoreEmily Dickinson s A Route Of Evanescence And Because I Could Not Stop For Death1167 Words   |  5 PagesEmily Dickinson Emily Dickinson published only a few poems during her time. Her work was only truly discovered after her death of kidney disease in 1886 at the age of fifty-six. Upon her death her sister Lavinia Dickinson found hundreds of poems tied into a book stitched together by Emily. People claim that she is the most original 19th Century American Poet and is now considered one of the towering figures of American literature. Although She is known for her unconventional broken rhyming meterRead MoreEmily Dickinson : The Point When A Reader1749 Words   |  7 PagesHorieh Introduction to Literature Professor Knoernschild November 27, 2015 Emily Dickinson At the point when a reader hears the name Emily Dickinson, they consider a female who composed verse that has been surely understood for a considerable length of time and years. Much to their dismay that Emily Dickinson established American Literature, and began an entire unrest of verse. The procedure Dickinson used to keep in touch with her verse was at no other time seen and was the foundationRead MoreEssay on Emily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for Death730 Words   |  3 PagesEmily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for Death Emily Dickinson’s â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death† is a remarkable masterpiece that exercises thought between the known and the unknown. In Dickinson’s poem, â€Å"Because I could not stop Death,† there is much impression in the tone, in symbols and in the use of imagery that over flow with creativity. One might undoubtedly agree to an eerie, haunting, if not frightening, tone and use of symbolism in Dickinson’s poem. Dickinson usesRead MoreTheology Leads to Interpretation1336 Words   |  6 PagesEmily Dickinson’s extensive collection of poems on the subject of death can be better understood individually once time has been taken to view her works as whole. By viewing the works as a whole, it is possible to conclude a likely theological view point of the author and then apply this theology to the individual works in order to improve interpretation. Emily Dickinson’s poem â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death† is one such poem that when viewed individually is open to a wide scope of readingsRead More Death in Emily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died, and I Felt A Funeral In My Brain1449 Words   |  6 PagesDeath in Emily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died, and I Felt A Funeral In My Brain Emily Dickinsons poems Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died, and I Felt A Funeral In My Brain all deal with one of lifes few certainties, death. Dickinsons intense curiosity towards mortality was present in much of her work, and is her legacy as a poet. Because I could Not Stop for Death is one of Emily Dickinsons Read MoreAmbiguity of the Concept of Death: a Comparison of ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night?and ‘Because I Could Not Stop for Death1201 Words   |  5 Pagesthought of death? Almost everybody does! However, people have differing views on the abstract idea of dying. In examining the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death? by Emily Dickinson and Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? by Dylan Thomas, it is evident that the poets use contrasting and comparative techniques in their unique presentations of the concept of death. In the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death? Emily Dickinson presents the idea of acceptance of death, whereas in the poem Do NotRead MoreConcept Of Death in ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night versus ‘Because I Could Not Stop For Death1167 Words   |  5 Pagesthought of death? Almost everybody does! However, people have differing views on the abstract idea of dying. In e xamining the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death? by Emily Dickinson and Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? by Dylan Thomas, it is evident that the poets use contrasting and comparative techniques in their unique presentations of the concept of death. In the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death? Emily Dickinson presents the idea of acceptance of death, whereas in the poem Do Not

Monday, December 23, 2019

Analysis Of Albert CamusThe Stranger - 1017 Words

The opening line of Albert Camus’ The Stranger is â€Å"Maman died today. Or maybe, yesterday; I dont know† (3). Meursault is introduced in a state of indifference about his own mother’s passing. The attitude Meursault has about his mother’s death will be present throughout the novel, an attitude of passivity. External feelings are what he lives for, he spends no time examining his internal feelings. Meursault begins as an uncaring man who is unconscious to the world around him and his own self. He commits murder and through his trial, time in jail, and eventual death sentence he sees the meaningless of life and is content with it. Part 1 of The Stranger begins with the death of Meursaults mother and leads up to the murder of the Arab.†¦show more content†¦Meursault doesnt care if they get married he just wants sex, so he says they can get married if it makes her happy. It makes no difference to him. The most mindless decision Meursault makes occu rs on the beach the day of murder. At the beach where Meursault is most happy because of the sun and the water becomes the spot where his life of freedom will end. Raymond has an altercation with an Arab man and is hurt. The man is the brother of the woman Raymond abused. Meursault fueled this attack through the letter he wrote, this is his passive attitude coming back to affect his life for the first time of many. Meursault take Raymond’s gun and finds the Arab. He murders him without a second thought and throughout the scene he speaks of the sun beating down on him. His once warm friend has become his hellish enemy. Five times he shoots the man, four into his lifeless body. Meursault is the stranger as he commits murder paying no mind to the consequences. This is the first event that will truly begin to open his eyes to the worlds true meaning. The worlds true meaning begins to be revealed to Meursault through his time in jail and it confuses him. At times and forgets that he has committed a murder and he wonders why he is in jail and being interrogated. After many interrogations he says that it feels like he is one of the family between him, his lawyer, and the interrogator. Meursault lacks a sense of self otherwise he would realize he is not thereShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Albert CamusThe Stranger765 Words   |  4 PagesMisa Arima Period5 The Stranger Essay In the novel The Stranger, author Albert Camus uses the character Meursault to argue that happiness can only be achieved through ones ability to sufficiently react to what Heidegger calls Thrown-ness, and, if conscious with the exercise of the free will, only then life will be worthwhile. First of all, knowing that life occurs randomly that have no control of, leads to the happier life. In The Myth of Sisyphus written by Albert Camus, the protagonist Sisyphus

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Managing Change Important for Business Organizations Free Essays

â€Å"The ability to managing change Is an important factor for today’s business organization to remain competitive and relevant† Critically analyze and discuss the above statement and in particular discussed the type of changes that an organization is subjected to and the effect of these changes to the organization. In addition, your discussion should include strategies in managing these changes Assessment Requirements Individual Type-written Report Maximum word length allowed is 3000 words The required content of the document produced Is required to be within specific axiom work lengths (In brackets) and to cover the specific areas as follows:- 1. A table of contents 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Change: Important for Business Organizations or any similar topic only for you Order Now A list of figures and/ or list of tables where appropriate 3. Executive Summary-( 10 marks -300 words) 4. Introduction -( 10 marks -300 words) 5. Literature Review- Critical Analysis (60 marks -2100 words) 6. Conclusions- -( 10 7. References Presentation – 10 marks 8. Bibliography 9. Appendices if appropriate This assignment Is worth 50% of the final assessment of the module. Student is required to submit a type-written document in Microsoft Word format with Times New Roman font type, size 12 and line spacing of 1. 5. The Harvard Style of Referencing system is COMPULSORY. Necessary citations and references adopting the Harvard Referencing System. Students who have been found to have committed acts of Plagiarism are automatically considered to have failed the entire semester. If found to have breached the regulation for the second time, you will be asked to leave the course. Plagiarism involves taking someone else’s words, thoughts, ideas or essays from online essay banks and trying to pass them off as your own. It is a form of cheating which is taken very seriously. Take care of your work and keep it safe. Don’t leave it lying around where your classmates can find it. Malaysian Qualifications Agency Learning Outcomes Module Learning Outcome After completing the module, the student should be able to: Advance a multidimensional understanding of the drivers of globalization Critically evaluate a range of normative questions in relation to the effects of globalization on the economy and organization Have insights into contingency factors of technological advancement and environmental uncertainty which influence the decision to globalize Notes on Plagiarism Harvard Referencing Plagiarism Plagiarism is passing off the work of others as your own. This constitutes academic theft and is a serious matter which is penalized in assignment marking. Plagiarism is the submission of an item of assessment containing elements of work produced by another person(s) in such a way that it could be assumed to be the student’s own work. Examples of plagiarism are: the verbatim copying of another person’s work thou acknowledgement the close paraphrasing of another person’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation without acknowledgement the unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another person’s close paraphrasing with occasional acknowledgement of the source may also be deemed to be plagiarism if the absence of quotation marks implies that the phraseology is the student’s own. Plagiarisms work may belong to another student or be from a published source such as a book, report, Journal or material available on the internet. Harvard Referencing The structure of a citation under the Harvard referencing system is the author’s surname, year of publication, and page number or range, in parentheses, as illustrated in the Smith example near the top of this article. The page number or page range is omitted if the entire work is cited. The author’s surname is omitted if it appears in the text. Thus we may say: â€Å"Jones (2001) revolutionized the field of trauma surgery. Two or three authors are cited using â€Å"and† or â€Å"†: (Deane, Smith, and Jones, 1991) or (Deane, Smith ; Jones, 1991). More than three authors are cited using et al. (Deane et al. 1992). An unknown date is cited as no date (Deane n. D. ). A reference to a reprint is cited with the original publication date in square brackets (Marx [1867] 1967, p. 90). If an author published two books in 2005, the year of the first (in the alphabetic order of the references) is cited and referenced as AAA, the second as Bibb. A citation is placed wherever appropriate in or after the sentence. If it is at the end of a sentence, it is placed before the period, but a citation for an entire block quote immediately follows the period at the end of the block since the citation is not an actual part of the quotation itself. Complete citations are provided in alphabetical order in a section following the text, usually designated as â€Å"Works cited† or â€Å"References. † The difference between a â€Å"works cited† or â€Å"references† list and a bibliography is that a bibliography may include works not directly cited in the text. All citations are in the same font as the main text. Examples Examples of book references are: Smith, J. (AAA). Dutch Citing Practices. The Hogue: Holland Research Foundation. Smith, J. (Bibb). Harvard Referencing. London: Jolly Good Publishing. In giving the city of publication, an internationally well-known city (such as London, The Hogue, or New York) is referenced as the city alone. If the city is not internationally well known, the country (or state and country if in the U. S. ) are given. An example of a Journal reference: Smith, John Maynard. â€Å"The origin of altruism,† Nature 393, 1998, up. 639-40. An example of a newspaper reference: Boycott, Owen. â€Å"Street Protest†, The Guardian, October 18, 2005, accessed February 7, 2006. How to cite Managing Change: Important for Business Organizations, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business Growth Expectation Business Finance

Question: Describe about the Business Growth Expectation for Business Finance. Answer: 1: The belief is completely baseless. The vital organizational information should not be shared with any other organization as it might jeopardize the growth expectation. This credible information is shared with other organization the risk of competition will increase significantly. The risk will increase in significant magnitude. The risk of business will increase. The operational benefit will be limited. The competitor firm may use that credible information for their own benefit which will reduce the financials of the company (McNairy Cross, 2016). 2: Depreciation Total Cost of the Aircraft 12000000 Airframe comprised 55% of the cost 6600000 Engines were 40% of the cost 4800000 Fittings comprising 5% of the cost 600000 Depreciation of Airframe Airframe cost 6600000 Less: Scarp Value 150000 6450000 The life of the Airframe years 15 Depreciation on Straight Line 430000 Depreciation of Engine Engines cost 4800000 Depreciation for 2920 hours 700800 Depreciation of Fittings Fittings cost 600000 Useful Life 5 years 120000 Journal Dr Cr 1.07.2013 Aircraft 12000000 To Bank 12000000 30.06.2014 Depreciation on Airframe 430000 Depreciation on Engines 700800 Depreciation on Fittings 120000 To Accumulated Depreciation 1250800 30.06.2014 Accumulated Depreciation 1250800 To Aircraft 1250800 3: (a) Lease Payment (350000-35000) 315000 Total Payment of lease rent for 5 years 1575000 Machinery fair value 1294384 Interest 280616 Fair Value of machine 1294384 Years of Lease 5 Monthly Payment -315000 Interest Rate 6.92% RATE(nper,pmt,pv,fv,type,guess) Or IRR method can be used to calculate implicit interest rate Year Receipt Payment Net Payment 0 1294384 1 0 -315000 -315000 2 0 -315000 -315000 3 0 -315000 -315000 4 0 -315000 -315000 5 0 -315000 -315000 1294384 -1575000 -280616 Year 0 1294384 1 -315000 2 -315000 3 -315000 4 -315000 5 -315000 IRR 6.92% PV $1,294,384.00 $294,616.81 Present Value of Lease payment (PV Function) (PV of Single Premium) (b) Journal Entry In the books of Burt Ltd Dr Cr 01.07.2015 Machinery 1294384 To Lease Obligation 1294384 30.06.2016 Lease rentals expense 294617 Interest Expenses 20383 Insurance and maintenance 35000 To Bank 350000 (c ) In the books of Burt Ltd Balance Sheet Non Current Liabilities Lease Liability 999767 (1294384-294617) Current Liabilities Interest Payable 20383 Lease Liability 294617 Fixed Asset Lease Machinery 1294384 (d) Journal Entry In the books of Burt Ltd Dr Cr 30.06.2016 Lease rentals expense 294617 Interest Expenses 20383 Insurance and maintenance 35000 To Bank 350000 30.06.2017 Lease rentals expense 294617 Interest Expenses 20383 Insurance and maintenance 35000 To Bank 350000 4: The intangible assets are non monetary assets and without active physical substance and identifiable. There are relevant recognition criteria for the intangible assets. The assets will be valued at the cost or on the basis of revaluation model. The cost of acquisition of intangible assets is to be amortized on the basis of its use. The merger acquisition has a major role to play in terms of buying and selling of intangible assets. The assets can be bought separately. The exploration and the evolution of the asset is also an important part of the business process (Iasplus, 2016). The merger and acquisition will include purchase of the company or of the brand of the company. Once the brand is being purchase by another company it adds value to the new company. Adidas, Nike has significant brand value; if Nike acquires Adidas then the brand value of Nike will be increased because of its purchase of Adidas. References: Iasplus, 2016. IAS 38 Intangible Assets. [Online] www.iasplus.com Available at: https://www.iasplus.com/en/standards/ias/ias38 [Accessed 12 October 2016]. McNairy, J.D. Cross, M., 2016. About That Trade Secret Leak: Its From Inside The Business! [Online] www.calpeculiarities.com Available at: https://www.calpeculiarities.com/2016/08/03/about-that-trade-secret-leak-its-from-inside-the-business/ [Accessed 12 October 2016].

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Kate Chopin Essays (217 words) - Philosophy Of Love, Emotions

Kate Chopin Katherine Chopin has a different opinion of love, marriage, than most writers of her day. In her writing she indicates to her readers that marriage, though built on a foundation of love can not contain passion. Love is considered a feeling that inspires passion, and romance. It continues on throughout the marriage, but the passion and romance are lost somewhere in the struggles of married life. This loss can also occur in the task of raising children, causing a sort of neglect for the love of one's life. Passion is what inspires an individual to do anything. Chopin it seems is saying that this is an impossibility in marriage in the since of love or sexual relationship. Passion however can be found outside the marriage with other sexual partners. It can also be found in other areas such as in "The Story of an Hour." The main character in this story exemplifies this truth by the statement made after she got over the shock of her husband's death, "Free, free, free!" Her passion came from the realization that she was once again free to do as she wished. Marriage it seems is considered somewhat sacred even though it was almost as if it was acceptable for extramarital relations to take place in Chopin's stories. She seems to think this act of breaking the holy vows of marriage was a justifiable act.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Biography of Elena Kagan

Biography of Elena Kagan Elena Kagan is one of nine  U.S. Supreme Court justices,  and only the fourth woman to hold a position on the nations highest court since its first session in 1790. She was nominated to the court in 2010 by then-President Barack Obama, who described her as  Ã¢â‚¬Å"one of the nation’s foremost legal minds.† The U.S. Senate confirmed her nomination later that year, making her the 112th justice to serve on the Supreme Court. Kagan replaced Justice John Paul Stevens, who had retired after 35 years on the court. Education Hunter College High School  in Manhattan, New York, class of 1977.Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey; she earned  a bachelors degree in history in 1981.Worcester College in Oxford, England; she earned a  master’s degree in philosophy in 1983.Harvard University Law School; she earned a law degree in 1986. Career in Academia, Politics and Law Before she took a seat on the Supreme Court, Kagan worked as a professor, an attorney in private practice and as solicitor general of the United States. She was the first woman to supervise the office that handles litigation for the federal government before the Supreme Court.   Here are Kagans career highlights 1986 to 1987: Law clerk for  Judge Abner Mikva of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Washington, D.C., Circuit.1988: Law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice  Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American to serve on the court.1989 to 1991: Associate attorney in the powerful Washington, D.C., law firm of Williams Connolly, which was co-founded by  Edward Bennett Williams, the legendary trial lawyer who represented the likes of John Hinckley Jr., Frank Sinatra, Hugh Hefner, Jimmy Hoffa and Joseph McCarthy.1991 to 1995: Assistant professor of law, then tenured professor of law, at the  University of Chicago  Law School.1995 to 1996: Associate counsel to President Bill Clinton.1997 to 1999: Deputy assistant to the president for domestic policy, and deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council under Clinton.1999 to 2001: Visiting professor of law at Harvard Law School.2001: Professor of law at  Harvard Law School, teaching  administrative law, constitutional law, civil pro cedure, and separation of powers theory. 2003 to 2009:  Dean of the Harvard Law School. 2009 to 2010: Solicitor general under President Barack Obama.2010 to current: Associated justice of the Supreme Court. Controversies Kagans tenure on the Supreme Court has been relatively free of controversy. Yes, even Supreme Court justice invite scrutiny; ask Justice Clarence Thomas, whose absolute silence during almost seven years of oral arguments baffled court observers, legal scholars and journalists. Justice Samuel Alito, one of the most conservative voices on the court,  has openly criticized his fellow members, particularly following the courts  landmark decision on same-sex marriage. And the late Justice Antonin Scalia, who was famous for his unrestrained opinions, once said homosexuality should be a crime. The biggest dustup surrounding Kagan was a request for her to recuse herself from consideration of a challenge to Obamas health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare for short. Kagans office of solicitor general under Obama had been on record as supporting the act in a legal proceeding. A group called Freedom Watch challenged Kagans judicial independence. The court declined to entertain the allegation. Kagans liberal personal beliefs and style of writing also came back to haunt her during her confirmation hearings. Conservative Republicans accused her of being unable to set aside her biases. In her memos to Justice Marshall as well as her work for Clinton, Kagan consistently wrote from her own perspective, prefacing her advice with I think and I believe and distinguishing her opinions from other members of Clintons White House team or from the presidents own opinions, said  Carrie Severino of the Conservative Judicial Crisis Network. Alabama Sen.  Jeff Sessions, a conservative Republican who would later serve in Donald Trumps administration, said: A troubling pattern has already emerged in Ms. Kagans record. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a willingness to make legal decisions based not on the law but instead on her very liberal politics. As dean of the Harvard Law School, Kagan drew fire for her objection to having  military recruiters on campus because she believed the federal government policy that banned  openly gay individuals from serving in the military violated the universitys  anti-discrimination policy. Personal Life Kagan was born and raised in New York City; her mother was a school teacher and her father was an attorney. She is unmarried and has no children. 5 Important Quotes Kagan has not granted interviews with the news media, so court observers are left to scour her opinions, briefs and testimony during her confirmation hearings. Here are some select quotes on key issues. Sometimes you read these opinions and you think they must hate each other. Its just not true.  We have enormous respect for each other and a feeling that we are all operating in good faith. ... If you take this stuff personally, this is going to be a long life tenure. - Kagan speaking about the collegiality among the justices and the court, which she described as in some ways, the most intimate, warmest institution Ive participated in.â€Å"If you confirm me, you’ll be getting Justice Kagan. You won’t get Justice Marshall.† - Kagan defending herself against claims from Republican U.S. senators that she was a legal progressive, or judicial activist, during her confirmation hearings.The Supreme Court, of course, has the responsibility of ensuring that our government never oversteps its proper bounds or violates the rights of individuals. But the Court must also recognize the limits on itself and respect the choices made by the American people. - Kagan, explaining her philosophy of judicial restraint. All I can say about that paper is that it is dangerous to write papers about the law before youve spent a day in law school. I wrote that paper before I spent a day in law school. I was trying to think about whether to go to law school and I decided to write a paper about law in order to figure out whether I was interested in the subject... So I would just ask you to recognize that I didnt know a whole lot of law. - Kagan telling lawmakers to ignore a paper she wrote about justice who mold and steer the law.It means  Id have to get my hair done more often, Sen. Specter. Kagan replying to U.S. Sen. Arlen Specters question about allowing television cameras in U.S. Supreme Court arguments..

Friday, November 22, 2019

Border Security in the State of Texas

Border Security in the State of Texas POL/215 August 30th, 2010 Border Security in the State of Texas A problem is brewing at the southern Texas borders and it appears to be growing bigger by the minute. The acceleration of people, weapons, and drugs from Mexico are taking a toll on the economy, citizens, and the job markets in Texas. Texas concerns with the rise of violent crimes presently pouring into its southern towns and quickly moving inland believes something needs to be done quickly. The state of Texas has given millions of dollars in an attempt to subsidize and support the security forces patrolling the borders of the southern regions of Texas to no avail. As the frustration grows government and interest groups begin to assemble to iron out policies that will counteract the activities at the borders. In addition, Gov. Perry has created a Ranger Recon Team, supported by the Highway Patrol, DPS Aviation, and Texas Rangers. The Texas central region, focal point is on enterprises that harbor criminal activity, terrorism, organized crime, and violence. Gov. Perry wants Washington to step in and do their jobs to protect the borders and give 1,000 National Guardsmen to the borders (Office of the Governor Rick Perry,  n. d. ). However, the special interest groups like Federation for American Immigration Reform, Immigration Works USA, The National Council of LaRaza and the National Immigration forum are pro immigration reform. These special interest groups believe illegal immigrants have rights and support amnesty for these illegals. The special interest fighting for amnesty believe the issues concerning, not knowing who is entering the country, why are they entering, what are they doing after entering, and when are they leaving, believes a plan of legalization for undocumented immigrants could be the solution for these growing questions. Whereas, the U. S. Border Watch, a citizens’ action group determined to bring about security on this nations borders, stop the invasion of illegal immigrants, and to secure this nation from terrorists. U. S. Border Watch simply wants the elected officials in Washington to secure the borders by enforcing the laws already created and not create new laws to override the existing ones(U. S. Border Watch,  2005-2008). Unlike Immigration Works USA and other interest groups of this type who lobby the federal government with spending exceeding 1. million. U. S. Border Watch existence does not depend upon lobbyists but on donations and volunteers. The volunteers patrol the border region until such a time Washington provides funds to protect these border regions. The United States representatives elected to the region affected by the onset of illegals supported a $701 million bill, which would bring security to the borders did not pass. The Senate Republicans denied the bill. The $701 million included i n a war supplemental bill, which was sought by President Barack Obama. President Obama also announced it would include deployment of 1,200 National Guard troops (Valley Freedom Newpapers, 2010). The funding for border security denied by the Republicans because cuts were not made to other programs to offset spending eventually passed on July 28, 2010 because the $701 million bill became a stand-alone bill and the South Texas Congressmen did receive funding for the region affected by the lack of border security. Bear in mind exactly what will be affected if America does not wake up and smell the coffee. Economically speaking, the more The United States continues to hire undocumented workers the worse the economy will be. The United States will have much more American’s out of work seeking unemployment, losing homes, the homeless population will grow, the increase in violence (as seen on TV) and most of all with all the undocumented workers not paying taxes but access the privileges of the taxpayer there will not be any sustainable income to run the United States. Terrorist, for example, are said to be in Mexico and have visited this country on several occasions. If the concern is about all the undocumented workers in the United States and the terrorist who can stroll into the United States at will, just imagine what will happen if secure borders are not an option. Unsecured borders will have a serious economic effect on the United States there must be a plan to increase border protection and it must be now. The $701 million bill, which has passed in the senate, will not be enough it is only a start. References Office of the Governor Rick Perry. (n. d. ). Governing Principle. Retrieved from http://governor. state. tx. us/highlight/border/ U. S. Border Watch. (2005-2008). Working to Keep America Safe. Retrieved from http://usborderwatch. com/ Valley Freedom Newspaper, July 30 2010, South Texas congressmen get border security funding http://www. spislandbreeze. com/articles/border-10830-texas-funding. html

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

American Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

American Revolution - Essay Example They served to incite the growing desire for self determination that has been growing in the colonies for years. According to Doyle and Pamplona (2006), there was an emergent movement, which was facilitated by the print media (52). Middlekauff (2005) supported this when he pointed out the points where America began to be aware of itself not as a colony but as a collective body and eventually, a nation, eventually resenting the rule of a country on the other side of the world. The other position holds that the cause of the revolution fundamentally came from the age of revolution sweeping across France, Haiti and Latin America (Burnard, 2010, 3). This is the school that cites the influence of French political philosophy, for instance: that, though American Revolution inspired the French Revolution, the intellectual and political validations that gave rise to the movement for independence were part of the French political thought, which argued for an absolute departure from all past determinations, beginning with a clean slate, one that allows total freedom and political innovation (Looby, 1998,

Monday, November 18, 2019

HRM Current Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

HRM Current Issues - Essay Example In this globalised world, an economic problem in one country will not get restricted to that country, but gets spread to other countries. This is what happening today, with the economic recession starting in United States of America, is having a very negative effect all over the world. Many companies are suffering losses and as a result, many employees are losing their jobs. Also, many organizations have quietly cut the salaries and other fringe benefits to their employees. So, the fear that their jobs and salary are at stake and to continue working, the employees are forced to work pushing their limits, leading to stress. With stressed mind, the employees will be hard-pressed to use his/hers physical and mental part, to work effectively for the organization. Stressed mind in the sense, due to the poor match between work load and the capabilities, resources, etc of the worker, the mind of the worker could be become disoriented leading to the damaging of workers biological, psychologi cal or social systems.. Stress is something which can happen to an individual both due to a positive action or change as well as negative action or change. That is, stress can be felt by the employees, if positive actions or changes like promotion, new assignments, new responsibilities, etc happen in his/hers professional life. Also in the same but different way, the employees will become stressed, if he/she faces negative actions or changes both in his/hers professional as well as personal life. The negative events or issues that could trigger stress are unemployment, suspension, failure to meet the targets, pressure, intimidation, abuse, etc from the superior as well as co-workers, divorce, deaths, etc, etc. When the above mentioned negative changes or actions occurs, they will be least expecting it and so they will be unable to handle it. That is, those

Saturday, November 16, 2019

I had a dream about you Essay Example for Free

I had a dream about you Essay The beginning of the poem is about a dream reflecting the beginning of a relationship, or more specifically, your relationship. In your dream it seems you had a lot of fun, throwing oranges at your boyfriend, and all the kisses. In the next dream, you’re progressing in the relationship, and things get a bit more serious and realistic. In the last dream he seems to be getting annoyed with you, even though you’re the same. You stay a static character and he isn’t, in the dreams. Seeing that dreams are a reflection of real life, he begins to become annoyed with you as he grows sicker, and things become serious. In the next dream you could see he was growing sicker, and that he was going to die. With hints like, the sky was red, the sand was red, and the bird-crows- were watching him. You also explained how you could hear his heart beat, and you could hear him breathing. When a person is sick and is very close to death, hearing signs that they are still alive it the most comforting thing you could hear. You also talk about his ribs being delineated like a junkyard dogs, and the hospital, which implies illness, I think aids or Cancer. When you stop talking about the dreams, we are where you were in the relationship at that time, seriousness, and that you needed to stay by his side. When he was on the bridge it just showed that he need you to take care of him, you both needed to be saved. Seeing as both of you couldn’t save yourselves it was a chore to save each other. He asked about if you would love him even more when he was dead, there was a certainty, no hypothetical, which made it scarier. That is why you felt the need to fatten him up, because he knew he was going to die, you wanted to stop the inevitable. When you said you wanted to fat him up, it made me think of chemotherapy which to some degree drains your health, and aids, which does the same.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Solutions to Sustain Freshwater Essay -- Water Scarcity Environment

Would it be possible for humans to live without water? The answer is no because fifty percent of water is inside human bodies. In other words, water supports human lives, so every person is supposed to drink at least two litres of water everyday because it predominantly prevents them from being dehydrated. In terms of being the priceless resource, water is used in many fields such as agriculture, industry, business and so on. All preliminary products are comprised of water. Due to the abundance of water, most people seem not to be concerned about the way they consume this crucial resource. For example, in some countries, there are no dirty water treatment systems practising, and everyone can use water as much as they can as the price of water is cheap, too. However, in some countries, they lack water to access regularly and need to do trade with others in exchange for water. Also, Rogers (2008) notes, â€Å"that the problem is well-known makes it no less disturbing: today one out of six people, more than a billion, suffer inadequate access to safe freshwater† (As in New Delhi, para.3). There is no limit of the use of freshwater between one country to another, and it depends on the place people live. Even though there is a lot of freshwater available on the earth, we, people, should be worried about the proper water consumption. In order to thwart the water crisis from occurring one day, we should reverse our trend of using water by desalinating seawater, recycling waste water and reducing the unnecessary demand of water. The first solution to deal with the problem of water scarcity is to desalinate seawater. Getting freshwater from the sea is taken into account because seawater is much more than freshwater in reality. As Villiers (19... ...hwater is vital for humans to survive, but they should be more concerned about the problems of water scarcity that can happen in the future. Everyone should start to adapt these solutions such as desalinating seawater, recycling waste water and reducing water demands in order to maximize the fact that there is still the abundance of freshwater to use in a long time. Works Cited Reimold, R. J. (1998). Watershed Management: Practice, Policies, and Coordination. NY: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Rogers, P. (2008, August). Facing the Freshwater Crisis. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=facing-the-freshwater-crisis&page=5 Thomson, S. A. (1999). Water Use, Management, and Planning in the United States. Toronto: ACADEMIC PRESS. Valliers, M. D. (1999). Water. San Diego: Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Terrorism: An Illegal Undertaking

THESIS STATEMENT:How do terrorists able to fight governments while having no own operation bases and escape taxable economic entities? Terrorism are applied time and again as affairs of state tags of the morally wrong, haphazard, or intolerable practice of aggression or hazard of ferocity by particular perpetrators as for their specific purposes. Social change is their ultimate goal and this collective revolution is aspired so appallingly that terrorists may execute vastly unswerving crimes, especially for spiritual principles, that they may prefer their own death or the deaths of innocent civilians to attain their objective. Those regarded as terrorists hardly ever distinguish themselves as such, and normally make use of other general names or terms particular to their situation (Hans, 2002).The focal predicament with terrorism is that terrorists do not admit that they are terrorists and asserts that the governments are the terrorists. Despite the fact that an autonomous state adopt ing social freedom may maintain an implication of privileged ethical position than other administration systems, a performance of terror campaign within such a nation may bring about an apparent problem on whether to uphold its civic liberation and as a consequence run the risk of being recognized as pointless in dealing with the dilemma, or otherwise constrain its communal emancipation and hence risk unjustifiable allegation of sustaining a democratic organization.With this information at hand, it is indeed difficult to fight terrorism since they are usually not well organized or located. They don’t have their own operations bases since they are hiding and do not want to be caught or captured. Terrorism can be carried out by covert individuals, assemblages, or federations, funded by certain organizations, with mysterious orderly strategies and assaults in public places. Interaction may come about via prevailing telecommunications or all the way through conventional means suc h as couriers. Additionally, since revolutionaries who are involved in intimidation are not well organized and are considered to be illegal, they are not taxable and will hardly be taxable.Speaking of illegitimacy, several authorized government characterizations of terrorism put in a condition of unlawfulness to differentiate between proceedings that are certified by bylaws and those of other persons and minor units. Using this decisive factor, events that would otherwise be eligible of terrorism would not be taken into account as terrorism if they were approved by the board. For instance, a terrorist attack in a municipality, which is intended to distress national reinforcement for a basis, would not be regarded as terrorism if it were allowed by a reasonable authority (Cronin, 2003).Shared ideologies among permissible meanings of terrorism offer a rising consensus as to denotation and also promote collaboration between regulation enforcement staff in discrete nation states. Among these delineations, there are quite a few that do not make out the likelihood of   acceptable custom of fierceness   by civilians against an assailant in a dominated nation and would categorize all opposition engagements as terrorist parties. Others create a peculiarity between legally recognized and prohibited exploitation of ferocity. Sanctioned classifications ascertain counter-terrorism documents and are usually made available to act it. Most authority descriptions give a rough idea about the subsequent vital standards such as target, purpose, intention, executor, and authenticity of the feat.Groups carrying out viciousness are also frequently identifiable by a following set of executors. Oftentimes the word terrorism and radicalism are employed as exchangeable. Nevertheless, there is a noteworthy dissimilarity between the two as terrorism is basically a threat or a deed of substantial fierceness, whereas radicalism entails the use of non-physical mechanisms to activate peop le’s attention to realize some ideological occurrences (Kalyvas, 2004). They should have their own definite distinction as to which must be taxable.References:Hans, Kà ¶chler (2002). Terrorism and the Quest for a Just World Order. Manila Lectures. FSJBook World, ISBN 0-9710791-2-9.Cronin, Audrey Kurth (2003) Behind the Curve: Globalization and International Terrorism. International Security, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 40-41.Kalyvas, Stathis (2004) The Paradox of Terrorism in Civil Wars in Journal of Ethics 8:1, p. 137-138.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

American Involvement in Vietnam War

The novel â€Å"Morning Glories among the Peas† was written by James D. Seddon, a mechanic and expert surveillance personnel of the US army. He was one of the US soldiers who was involved in the Vietnam War. In this novel, he wrote some of his experiences albeit fighting and surviving in Vietnam. Nevertheless, he also offered some political issues that he thinks should be addressed by the US government. The Vietnam War was both a military and ideological war. When Vietnam was divided into two parts: North and South Vietnam, tensions were rising between the two nations.North Vietnam had a Communist government supported by both the Soviet Union and Red China. It was headed by Ho Chi Minh who defeated the French during the Vietnamese war of independence. South Vietnam was democratic in government. A duly constituted government was elected by the South Vietnamese under the terms of its constitution. South Vietnam was supported by the United States. When the North Vietnamese army i nvaded South Vietnam, call for its defense was alerted by the United States. Allied nations of the United States responded and began sending troops to South Vietnam.The United Nations Security Council called for the deployment of troops in South Vietnam to relieve the pressure from the South Vietnamese army trapped in the invasion. The United States, under the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson sent troops to Vietnam without the formal declaration of War. Hence, the Vietnam War came to its early phase of battle. The book was about a Vietnam War veteran who saw the horrible events in the war: the bloody massacre of villages by US troops suspected of hiding North Vietnamese, the frequent ambush of US marines in the jungles of Vietnam, and many other events narrated in the book.Since the book is non-fiction, it guarantees a wide range of historical discourse on policies on war and political ideological struggles. Nevertheless, the wide array of schematic dialogues and conjunctures bet weens characters provide the audience the atmosphere of intense conflict, of which, the most pervasive is the reality of war as politics and of politics as war. The Vietnam War was the longest war involving the United States (1961-1975), yet it was only the war in which the United States was defeated.The intense realities of the war which the author was trying to convey in his novel was a blanch or result of ideological struggle between the US and the Communist bloc. It was often argued that the United States fought a war of non-sense, but policy-makers at that time were not concerned of practicality, but only of necessity. Vietnam was strategic since it holds the key to the numerous bodies of water surrounding the newly-born democratic republics of Southeast Asia. If Southeast Asia fell to the Communists, what are then the chances for the United States to maintain its ideological dominance?The implication of the author’s argument may hold the key to the very purpose of sendi ng expeditions to South Vietnam. Soldiers were sent to a land where they have no affinities. They were serving a war that does not suit their interests. Added to that, the war seemed to be a reflection of their nation’s stance to maintain world leadership at all costs, by all means. Hence then, the experiences of the veteran in the novel were a reflection of the credulity of the insistence of the United States to maintain its ideological dominance in the form of a genuine â€Å"defense of democracy.† It was in many ways irresponsible, unconcerned, and strategic from the point of view of those who fought in the battle fronts. As for the author, his experiences of senseless massacres of villages, poisoning of wells, senseless killings of soldiers, indiscriminate bombings of cities and towns, were the direct results of this desire: the desire for ideological and military dominance. It was even implied in the title of the novel. Do morning glories really found among peas?D oes this serves as an allegory of the conflicting conditions in Vietnam and the United States? Or does this indicate a struggle for ideological dominance? Or simply a way of reiterating the realities of war brought by the things mentioned above? It seems that the novel covered these issues presented, although some of them may be highlighted and some cast aside. The realities presented by the author (who was a veteran of the war) were, in my interpretation, the embodiment of the war policies of the United States.These were policies that prioritize ideology rather than human dignity. The novel also presented the decay of human dignity brought about by the Vietnam War. Human dignity is generally found in the ability of humans to live comfortably without the interference of foreign powers, that is, free development under the term of a just legal standard. The intrusion of the United States into the lives of the South Vietnamese brought them anguish and despair.The United States also suf fered because it lost almost 500, 000 men in the war. Nevertheless, it lost the pride and status achieved decades ago. It was generally an unwarranted war. The novel is generally a good source of historical information about the war in Vietnam. It also gives a thorough and clear description of Vietnam; its people, goals, and achievements. Nevertheless, it should be noted that there are some form of biases in the novel; sometimes favoring the United States; sometimes attacking its war policies.For instance, to describe the North Vietnamese as â€Å"senseless killing machines† is generally unacceptable especially for educated men who view these people as freedom-loving. Nevertheless, it can also be argued that the book also suffered from the credulities of a simplistic master piece. Although it accurately describes reality, the author was unable to highlight his literary style in the novel (novice). Reference Seddon, James D. 1990. Morning Glories among the Peas: A Vietnam†™s Veteran Story. Iowa State. e-bay bookstore download. http://worldcat. org//22181821?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Character Development 101 Writing Characters Readers Wont Forget

Character Development 101 Writing Characters Readers Wont Forget Character Development: How to Write Characters Your Readers Won't Forget For any novel to truly connect with readers, the author needs to pay close attention to character development. Even if you’re writing the most action-packed, plot-driven book where the characters are robots, it’s the human element of the story that is going to resonate with people looking for their next read.Ask yourself: are you more likely to read a book about a voyage to a newly discovered planet, or a book about someone who never saw Earth but knows they will never reach the destination planet of the spaceship they are on? The plot’s concept - traveling in space - may intrigue you, but the characters will hook you in.This article will help you develop characters your readers won’t forget. Let’s start by looking inside. 5 tips for developing characters that readers won't be able to forget. To develop memorable characters, you'll need to:Justify the character’s reason for existence by establishing the character's story goal and motivation.Give the character an external and internal conflict.Decide whether the character is static or dynamicGive the character a past.Develop the character's external characteristics to make them distinguishableEach point is a step towards deepening a character's depth. By the end of the process, you should emerge with a fully-realized, multidimensional character - and we'll take you through each stage in this post in order to get you there.That means that we'll start, of course, with internal character development. You can think of internal character development as a circle: one that starts and ends with your character’s fundamental goals and motivations. All the other decisions you make along the way will be informed by and affect those two things.1. Establish the character’s story goals and motivationsYour characterà ¢â‚¬â„¢s current goal is why the story exists - and why it’s worth telling - right now. It’s what your character wants from the book’s plot and it will propel   their inner journey. Without it, the overall narrative arc would fall totally flat.Let’s look at a few character goal examples:Harry Potter’s goal is to defeat Lord VoldemortBilbo’s goal is to help the dwarves reclaim the kingdom of EreborHamlet’s goal is to avenge his murdered father Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy change for love (image: BBC)Reinforcing your protagonist through secondary characters Often times, authors write static secondary characters to act as a pillar around which a dynamic character can develop. Think of Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird: he changes little throughout the course of the novel. But it is his steadfast belief in justice that guides Scout from a state of childhood innocence into a young girl with a strong sense of right and wrong.Or you might want to consider writing a â€Å"foil†: a character who contrasts the protagonist, and is used to highlight particular qualities of the main character. For instance, Harry Potter’s foil is Draco Malfoy.Develop characters by determining the shape of their arc.   Ask yourself:How much will they change?What inspires their change?Do they change for the better?Do they change for the worse?Do they change the world and/or people around them?4. Give the character a pastJust as your own history has contributed to the person you are today, so does your character’s. You should develop you r character’s past as much as possible, but it’s especially important to create and zero-in on experiences and memories that inform the character we see in the story.Develop characters through their history. Ask yourself:What moments from their past have played a pivotal role in who they are now?Do they have any suppressed memories?What are some of their happiest memories?5. Develop the character's external characteristicsYes, the internal goals and motivations are the "heart" of a character. But that doesn't mean that their external characteristics should just be an after-thought. While the fact that your protagonist has blonde hair may not impact the plot, it can only benefit you as the author to have an exhaustive composition of them. All compelling characters need a past. Fill out this questionnaire to determine yours. Early in your character development, put a bit of time into sketching out your protagonist's external features, including their...Communication stylePhysical appearanceMannerismsYou can develop characters through physical characteristics as well. Ask yourself†¦What do they look like? Does their appearance play a role in the story?How do they interact with others - what is their communication style like?How do their mannerisms contribute to how others perceive them?To help give yourself a more holistic image of your character, check out our ready-made character profile template. It will prompt you to define external elements like posture and distinguishing features, to internal elements like their relationship with their mother and how they’re perceived by strangers.Or if you prefer to keep your character notes organized online, you can check out the character builder tool over at One Stop for Writers. It's a super-thorough guide to character creation that guides you thro ugh filling out their backstory, personality, and other details that contribute to their overall arc. (You'll need a subscription to access the tool, but trust us that it's worth it.)In any case, once you’ve established goals and motivations, conflicts, dynamism, history, and physicality, you’re well on your way to nailing character development. When those details are hammered down, put your knowledge of your protagonist to the test with these eight character development exercises. Before you know it, you’ll find you have acquired a new close friend - albeit an imaginary one.Do you have your own tips for character development? Or any favorite characters from books you feel leap off the page? Leave any thoughts or questions in the comments below!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Staff motivation Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Staff motivation - Research Proposal Example Infact, Conndrey (2010) asserts that as a key internal force to satisfy the unsatisfied needs, staff motivation is capable of directing individuals’ behaviours in order to satisfy the particular needs.Thus, management ought to not only understand what the staff need but also how to satisfy those needs. It is within this backdrop therefore that this particular paper intends provide a proposal on management staff motivation with a case study of the Dnata Marhaba Department. The major focus of this particular research is to investigate staff motivation and the effectiveness of the Human Resource Management programs at the Dnata Marhaba Department in the Dubai International Airport. The research intends to respond to the below questions: According to Patterson et.al (2003), there is considerately a smaller number of research or studies regarding the relationship between staff motivation and management. This particular study will try to investigate that relation within the context of the Dnata Marhaba Department of the Dubai International Airport (Patterson et.al 2003, p88). The perspective of employee motivation is significantly associated with the effective implementation of HRM practices. The study will try to combine several theories of both HRM and motivation so as to explore those that are relevant to the organization under study. The discussions will be handled with a major focus on three important factors that influence motivation including compensation and benefits; training and development and performance management Although developments in terms of technology have transformed the place of work in recent years, there is no doubt that human beings still play a significant role in as far as the operation of an organization is concerned. As a result, it can be argued that human factor is very critical to the success of any organization. As highlighted

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Analyse and evaluate the financial risks involved with establishing a Essay

Analyse and evaluate the financial risks involved with establishing a new business - Essay Example s, risk exposures have deeper impact on the organization’s standing, especially financial risks which undermine the new business resources required for jump-start the project. Financial risks refer to cash flow volatility, future investments, erosion of debt capacity or profitability level of the firm (Altman 1993). In the following essay, the researcher shall discuss how financial resources are critical for executing business plans, marketing budget and achieving organizational goals. In doing so the researcher shall describe and conclude that different types of financial risks may lead to business failure in terms of disruption in operations, decrease in working capital and exposure to environment risks. To begin with, one needs to understand that financial risks are not separate from business or management risks. For a new business, effective resource management is critical for its survival. Financial resources have even more importance for a start-up business because it helps secure employees, suppliers, service providers and attract customers (Altman 1993). Consequently, the type of financing a new business secures, defines its scope and risk challenges. For a new business, various types of financing ranging from banks, venture capitalists, owners personal assets etc. are available. Suppose a new business adopts bootstrap financing for its operations (Welsch 2003). This is a popular financing technique for new firms to finance short term funding requirements without having to commit to external organizations for the long term. These include short term borrowing from friends or family, micro financing, credit card, quasi-equity arrangements, cooperative assets, lease or client bas ed funding etc. However, according to Neeley (Welsch 2003), bootstrap financing is a low cost source of financing but poses high risks to the business because it is a short term funding method, which can be discontinued at any time, resulting in disruption of cash flows to the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24

Leadership - Essay Example Globalization though considered as advantageous for everyone, increases the concern of employees as it brings along change with itself. Change is referred to as doing this differently, in simpler terms; change is the process of doing same jobs in different ways. Change is highly disliked by employees as they fear that they will not be able to cope with change and will lose their jobs, thus employees tend to be an obstacle in the way of organization’s success if they stand against change. For example: In Information Technology industry, continuous change takes place, new software is developed to make work easier and to replace the older software. Employees fear that they might not be able to work on the new software and they resist this change as they fear they will be replaced by people who have knowledge of how to use the software. New software may be helpful in increasing productivity and decreasing loss of time, thus if firms in this industry fail to implement this change, they might continue with lower productivity and time will be wasted, thus they will not be able to compete against those firms that implement such changes. In these scenarios the leaders have to play a major role, they have to step forward and provide proper training to their followers so their followers can easily accept this change, leaders even have to articulate these changes to the employees and have to present a positive and beneficial picture of the acceptance of this change for the employees as well as the organization.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mathematics & everyone everyday Essay Example for Free

Mathematics everyone everyday Essay Mathematics is used in the lives of everyone everyday. Whether it is used by engineers designing a machine or by clothes shopper determining how much they will save, all use math and mathematic concepts. Mathematics has also been used for at least seven millennia by many of the early great civilizations. Many of those civilizations became very dependent on the use of math to create their great empires. The importance of math has not diminished since its infant years. Because of its importance how it is presented to students has become equally important. Only 30 years ago most students did not have calculators to aid them in learning. Today, high-tech calculators can carry out extremely complex mathematical equations in a fraction of a second. This has created a debate on whether or not the use of calculator benefit or hurt students. More specifically the debate is about how much use of the calculator should be used in the classroom. There is much debate on the research as to whether it truly helps or hurts students to over use or under use calculators. Much of the debate is based on subjective approaches to the research data as each side is trying to claim as much ground as they can in this debate. Both sides wish the best for the students want to see the students excel. However, they cannot agree on whether the calculators advance their mathematical education. History of Math Mathematics is a concept that has been around since the earliest records of written language. The oldest archeological mathematics discovery was found in Swaziland, Africa where a 170,000 year old Lebombo bone with notches chipped into it (Williams, 2005). These marks seem to indicate days in a month by adding a notch for every day that passes. Unfortunately, much of the history of how math developed is left to interpretation of archeological finds. Some speculate that the designs of monuments and buildings seem to have a geometric understanding, but that is entirely up to interpretation. As civilizations began to emerge two in particular developed complex mathematical systems: the Babylonians and the Egyptians. Around 1850 BC, the Babylonians developed a base-60 system of mathematics. This system seems to be modeled after how the Babylonians viewed time. They divided the day into 24 hours, with each hour having 60 minutes and each minute having 60 seconds. This is the same system that is used to describe modern time. This base-60 model seems more complicated compared to the modern base-10 system, but the Babylonians only had to learn two characters as opposed to learning 10 characters in the base-10 system (St Andrews, 2000). This mathematical system helped sustain one of the most powerful civilizations of the ancient world. The Egyptians also developed their own form of mathematics. They developed a base-10 system around 2700 BC. Part of the Egyptians desire to learn mathematics had to do with understanding time. The annual flooding of the Nile River was a very important event in Egypt. The Nile River was the lifeblood of the entire civilization and its annual flood ensure that the ground would be fertile enough to grow crops. Because of this important event, it became necessary for the Egyptians to find a way to calculate when the annual flooding would occur. Once their mathematical system was born, it was applied to other areas of their civilization, particularly in building. The result can still be seen with the Pyramids. The Greeks took mathematics to a high level along with the Chinese and the Indians. The biggest contribution the Greeks gave to math was removing unknown concepts and applying logic to math. Math and logic have definite similarities in that both have problems with absolute answers. The logic minded Greeks applied these concepts to mathematical principles. However, the Greeks logic limited their use of irrational numbers. This made their form of Algebra somewhat inadequate and some speculate that it set back mathematical progress several centuries (UL, 2008). Both the Chinese and the Indians were able to calculate the formation of pi. However much of early Chinese mathematics was destroyed during the book burning before 202 BC. Much of what as written is speculation based on works written after the burning. The significance of Chinese mathematics is how well it thrived while its western counterparts fell into a dark period. The Indians developed the concepts of trigonometry and would later develop an early form of calculus (Dutta, 2002). With the exception of the Muslims, mathematics entered a dark period. Throughout Europe, math was neglected along with many other sciences. However, in the 12th century, many European scholars sought after scientific texts the Arabs had translated. The created a rebirth in European interests in mathematics. With the Arab texts, the Hindu-Arab numerals were introduced and eventually became the norm of mathematic script. By the time the Renaissance period began, the interest in mathematics exploded. Navigation brought an interest in detailed maps. This spawned a need for trigonometry. From this point forward, math advanced continued to expand. In the 17th century, Isaac Newton discovered both the laws of physics and modern calculus. John Napier developed the concept of decimals which helped replace the limitation of fractions. Since the 17th century, many more development is the field of mathematics has been made. Math is now applied to most fields of science. Scientists have found that math has proven particularly accurate in the fiends of chemistry, astronomy, and physics. Along with reading math has become the foundation of all learning. History of Calculators The earliest form of calculators was known as abacuses. These simple devices helped in the arithmetic calculations. They were often made with a wood frame with beads strung across the frame. Each string would represent a different base unit. One string would represent an individual unit, another 10 units, another 100, and so forth. The Roman and Chinese abacuses were very similar in this respect. So much that some speculate whether the two were developed together through trade. No evidence has been found to support this other than the similarities (Messina, 2008). These early calculators can be found in some places today where technology is not thriving such as rural town in the Far East. The first mechanical calculator was invented in 1623 by William Schickard. He invented a machine called the Calculating Clock that could do simple adding and subtracting up to 999,999. Beyond that, a bell would indicate a numeric overflow error. Although this machine could only add and subtract, John Napier, in 1617, discovered a logarithm that could calculate multiplication and division through adding and subtracting (Smart Computing, 2008). In 1822, Charles Babbage came up with the idea called a difference engine. This mechanic device could store up to seven numbers of 31 characters each. He later developed another model called an analytical engine. This device was steam driven and was around 100 feet by 30 feet in size. This machine could hold 1000 number of 50 digits. All four arithmetic operations plus square roots could be calculated by this machine. Unfortunately, eight years after Babbage died in 1871, the British Association for the Advancement of Science recommended against the machine and thus no government funding would be provided to complete the machine (Stanford, 2008). Other calculator inventions came during the 19th century but it was in the 20th century that the calculator can into its own. Mechanical calculators began to be more prevalent in major suppliers. Two World Wars helped advance calculators through the use of computers and microelectronics. In 1955, IBM introduced the first transistorized calculator (IBM, 2008). Three years later, Casio introduced the first compact calculator. However, it was Texas Instruments in 1967 that introduced what is the predecessor to the modern hand held calculator. By the 1970s, pocket calculators began to enter the market place. First in Japan, these calculators could perform simple computations. The only problem was the calculators were very expensive, a tape display, and its power supply was limited. These problems were fixed through several innovated solutions. First was the Liquid Crystal Display screen, or LCD. The LCD allowed the calculator to display the results on a screen that can change rather than using thermal paper that was both cumbersome and needed constant replacing. Another novel concept was the use of replaceable batteries. This meant the calculator could truly be portable and not limited to an electrical outlet. Over time the power consumption of the calculator was reduced and solar panels were able to power the pocket calculators. This further freed users to use the calculators where ever they needed them. Calculators have now becomes commonplace in homes, businesses, and schools. Calculators have become powerful enough that pocket calculators can now calculate complex algebra and calculus equations in a fraction of a second. Computers and the Internet allow for even more levels of complexity.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysing Risk Management In Holiday And Hospitality Industries Tourism Essay

Analysing Risk Management In Holiday And Hospitality Industries Tourism Essay Loyalty of guests and tourists is created only by strong relationships where the guest feels special and important. Generally, people go to a hotel or plan for a trip on an emotional feeling. The feeling should be good, risk free, safe, and effective and even to increase their confidence. Almost all guests go to a hotel for the same reason. If the hotel gives them a homely feeling then they will come over there again and again. But, if the hotel is not making them feel important or special, they will buy it somewhere else. The loyalty of customers is totally dependent upon how safe they feel at hotel. They should feel important and special. They should get proper attention by the hotel they dealing with. The hotel should believe that the guests coming to the hotel are an important part of servicing customer needs. In order to make a loyal guest, we need to go ahead of their expectations from the hotel. The WTO (World Tourism Organization) had conducted a research on tourism all across the world. They have provided some of the critical and interesting facts on the contribution of Tourism and Hospitality Industry to the whole world. The Average Annual Increase is 4.0 %. But his sector is also facing a number of risks and we are trying to manage those risks! The main aim of the risk management process is to increase the prospects and opportunities and decrease the consequences of a risk event. During the whole process, there are common conventional stressors, but our reaction to those stressors differs from person to person as we are all unique persons. The anxiety and confusion that come from not knowing what lies ahead can create stress. People used to utilize basic defenses when high degree of uncertainty arises. In this state of vagueness, generally people easily way out to disbelieve, removal and self-defense. Individuals are told that the ways used in old days are no longer functioning and often this note becomes modified that they are not appreciated. We need to work hard to manage any kind of risk successfully. When everything is planned carefully, the proper foundation is being built, launching a product becomes much easier, and we can improve the chances of success. If we are too impatient, and if we expect too many results too soon, our plans for change are more likely to fail. It is therefore of critical importance that the present tourism systems should be considerably made stronger to give comfort to the tourists from all across the world. www.gov.ab.ca/edt/tda/abstats.htm B.C. Visitor Study Highlights; Tourism British Columbia. Today the Hospitality and Tourist Industry is facing the following type of risks: Safety Risks Technology Risk Political Risk Business Risks Financial Risks Following is the process of Risk Management: The big Picture; 1997-98; Vol. 41, Travel Industry World Yearbook. METHODOLOGY Online research data has been taken from different web sites, articles, and theoretical studies from different books. We have used the methodology of collecting information from both the sources. And these sources include personal interaction with experts which is the primary source of information and information collected from websites is the secondary one. LIMITATIONS Following are some of the limitations which the Hospitality Tourist Industry is facing: Incorporation of appropriate planning and implementation process. There should always be a planned and prepared safety measures for the tourists. Consideration of core principles and limits of suitable change recognition and protection of major assets including both cultural and natural, while authorized access to hospitality and tourism. There should always be a control of tourists/tourism that is completely different each year/season. There should be a clear specific definition of education and limits to both tourists and locals. Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and Culture, Tourism Highlights 1992; by Industry Research BODY OF REPORT Tourism Hospitality Industry is facing followings types of risks: While planning g a trip for a hilly area, conditions at site may go beyond control. Entrepreneur/management/tourist industry Lack of understanding between Contractor and owner. Generally, frequent changes in designs/planning/execution instructions etc lead to misunderstandings. Economical and financial risk- Unavailability of funds, Inflation, Change in orders etc. Environnemental conditions, natural restraints and contraints, RÃ ©habilitation. X factor Natural calamities such as, Earthquake, Flood, Fire, Cyclone, Unknown factor. International or local market conditions. Political risks- Changes in rules and regulations, War or political uncertainty. In order to meet with the above risks, following services should be provided by the tourism industry for their tourists: The tourism industry should make the trip THE BEST and THE SAFEST by providing different kinds of advanced life-enhancing amenities and should also provide vital support to the tourists. They always need to keep coming up with new products that are specially developed for older age and physically challenged people, and which will be quite helpful in their trip. Provide advice and information through their help lines, publications and online at all times. Fund pioneering research into all aspects of trips. Join forces that will ensure more of their funds go where theyre needed. The main aim of developing customer service standards is to continuously change and make periodical updating desirable. For this reason the company offers a feedback form in electronic format. To perform the task of updating, it would welcome getting relevant feedbacks and requests from guests to further improve the service. www.tourism.gov.au/publications. Whenever a guest coming to the hotel he/she will be asked to fill up the following table: Activities Service levels Actions How do you find the environment? Friendly or Boring What changes guest wants? Do you think u get proper attention from the hotel staffs? Yes or No Where is the gap? What you liked and what you would you like to change about the following: Services, Spectrum of facilities available What kind of change you want? Any references? Yes or No Name of the references In the hotel, the following form is used for recording informal comments by guests. The following feedback form should be received by the respective hotel staffs. Guest Feedback Form Date: __________________________________________________ Guests name: ________________________________________ Room No: ____________________________________ Phone: ________________ Email: ___________________________ Rate the following factors on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best) The hotel has provided clear information about what kind of services are available. 1 2 3 4 5 Before the start of service, goals and expectations were jointly identified. 1 2 3 4 5 The hotel staff has conducted a needs assessment to identify your specific needs for happy and safe stay 1 2 3 4 5 The hotel staff was able to support all your needs at the hotel 1 2 3 4 5 The hotel staff provided you with sample list of facilities prior to stay. 1 2 3 4 5 The hotel staff keeps you aware of any changes in availability of the rooms. 1 2 3 4 5 The hotel staff provides feedback every activity. 1 2 3 4 5 The hotel staff provides recommendations about future stay. 1 2 3 4 5 Following strategies should be implemented: The main aim the strategy should be to ensure guests feel safe, supported and have access to appropriate services. To achieve this, they are keen to explore ideas for working in partnership across government as well as with business and the community. The law in Australia is developing a whole-of-government loom for the way they support tourism into the future. The strategy is going to identify priority areas for action with an emphasis on making positive changes in tourism industry. Social isolation is one of the main reasons behind severe health problems. Basically, the meaning of social isolation is a small interaction of people with others mixed with the feeling and experience of loneliness. It has become a serious problem for people who are into this situation because it is giving a very adverse impact on health and wellbeing of people. Even though the most of the people are not isolated socially, the number of individuals at risk of societal separation is expected to rise with the ageing of the people. And these kinds of individuals are either retired, physically handicapped and suffering from ill health or death of a partner. So, in order to help this particular section of population, Tourism and Hospitality Industry is taking a number of different measures (as motioned below). The Vancouver Sun; June 1998, Tourism Tops in Job Creation Study. Improving conditions: In order to improve the condition of the Tourism, the governenmnet of Australia is coming up with the following services: Rates of the hotels should be decreased and should provide proper services. The hotels should always be kept clean and hygienic. To keep the place clean and hygienic there should be a well managed house keeping department. As we know that the success any organization is totally dependent upon the employees of the organization. If the employees are getting their job satisfaction then only they give their 100% to the organization. So, If the emplyees of the hotels are not satisfied with their salary, then they should be paid competitively. So the salaries should be competitive (In comparison to other organizations). Hence, agency should always do Salary survey, to settle this grievance of the Employees. Employees nature of the job should be demanding and challenging at every stage but not so complex that it comes out completely impossible. It should not be boring, hence, set challenging goals for the employees of the hotels. Upward/Downward flow of communication should always be ensured. Management of the agency should be highly effective. All the employees of the hotels should feel the sense of belongingness with the kind of work they do. Doctors (In case of emergency during the trip) should always play the role of counselors and mentors in the hotel industry. At all times, the hotels should identify the need of the Employees as well of the diseased people and should decide the motivation strategy. If the social work agencies are facing difficulties in reaching the place, then the government should also provide transportation to them. In order to promote its marketing plan, the hotels should arrange a presentation to make the people aware of the changes to be implemented and has planned to establish a regular schedule of meeting with the partners. One of the hotels in Australia has described its promotional strategy in the following chart: Ability to meet challenges Hospitality Tourism is one of the most vibrant international industry hubs. The industry always enhances its service abilities to meet continuously changing demands of market and particular requirements of the customers. Currently, there are many stimulating growths have taken place in this industry. Their ruthless expansion is in complete move. Tourism British Columbia.B.C, Visitor Study, The Report on Visitors to B.C. Rockies tourism Region 1998. CONCLUSION Based on the reputation of royal chain of hotels one can say that there will not be any compromise to the royal and luxurious services of the hotel. This royal chain of hotels has been known to generate maximum revenue in Hotel business; it has some of the best marketing minds and would definitely come up with plans to attract maximum guests. Going on the reputation of the management it is pretty sure it would sort out all the issues which are there in design, planning of the hotel. Hospitality and Tourism Industry has great prospects and is good for any kind of investment. RECOMMENDATIONS (Adction Plan) Their vision should see a world in which people flourish. Their mission should be to give the best service to the people. They should make a real difference to the stay of people. They should create one united team that will be stronger and more influential than ever before. They should develop excellent and sustainable services that enhance peoples stay. They should deliver transformational and sustainable change through their research, policy and influencing. They should always provide definitive services tailored specifically for people staying there. They should maximize their reach through proper advertisement. They should create a powerful and a compelling sector. They should create an effective partnership with their national and regional networks. The building layout should be arranged in such a manner that it will suit each and every kinds of guests. Major part of labor force will be replaced by technology. It will be more profit oriented. The hospitality industry should provide some sort of corporate discounts. The hotels must revisit the rates plan for the rooms and suites in comparison to other hotels in the city. It would be more effective and revenue earning if the distribution would be in decreasing order where the rates are in increasing order. The Tourism Industry should ensure that guides of the tourists prior to commencement of new assignments have received adequate training and information enabling them to understand the hazards of work and to protect their health from hazardous ambient factors that may be present. The training must adequately cover: a) Knowledge of equipment, materials, and tools; b) Known hazards in the operations and how they can be controlled; c) Potential risks to health; d) Precautions to prevent exposure; e) Hygiene requirements; f) Use of protective clothing and transport and; g) Appropriate response to operation extremes, incidents and accidents.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Of Little Importance :: essays research papers

Of Little Importance In Alain DeBotton’s article â€Å"The Shame of Failure† she writes that â€Å"Our sense of an appropriate limit to achievement and wealth is never decided independently.† She continues to say that we ask others their thoughts on our lives and we are forever comparing ourselves to the successes of others. DeBotton sees this behavior as normal, acceptable. I believe that achievement and wealth is decided by the individual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  DeBotton says that Americans have the freedom to choose their lifestyle and in doing so can comparatively be better than or worse than other Americans. In order to solve this ongoing dilemma, DeBotton suggests that people can choose to either make more money or restrain their desires. She goes on to say that â€Å"modern societies have succeeded spectacularly at the first, but†¦have negated their achievements.† Americans do fight to attain wealth, but will not say no to their desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I do not believe that one can solve this status anxiety by making more money or restraining desires. Any given person will have desires for simple to ludicrous things. Money is a fact of life, a necessity. To fix status anxiety I believe that you should stop inflicting importance on not-so-important things. Why does you job make you a bad person? It doesn’t. Every job has importance and the key to fixing this is to make wages more equal. Why should the athlete who just plays a game all day be allowed to make millions when a teacher who gets these kids through to the real world makes a meager $30,000? (Starting teaching salary according to www.aft.org/salary/) Society brought itself to these standards and we are now unhappy with them. I also believe that their really should not be a problem with status. What does it matter if you make $25,000 a year and are a divorced father of 4 with a 1987 Jeep Wagoneer?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lais of Marie de France Essay

Love and Marie de France According to American mythologist, Joseph Campbell, â€Å"The greatest love was during the Medieval Ages, when noble hearts produced a romantic love that transcended lust† (Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers [2001]). The Lais of Marie de France are primarily concerned with this idea of love–specifically, courtly love–between a man and a woman. Courtly love, a union modeled after the feudal relationship between a knight and his liege lord, became a popular convention in the 12th century (â€Å"Backgrounds to Romance: ‘Courtly Love’†). Instead of proving loyalty to a lord, the man would have to prove his love to a woman. Marie de France, however, focuses not just on the idea of love, but also on the differing kinds of love that existed in medieval society. She recognizes love as a force that cannot be avoided and that can be executed correctly or incorrectly; not all love is equal. Marie begins her collection of lais with the story of Guigemar, a noble knight who is cursed with the task of finding true love to heal a physical injury. This lay introduces two types of love: selfish and selfless. Selfish love is not courtly love. It lacks devotion and true loyalty. It lacks suffering and self-denial. Marie de France portrays this kind of love in the old husband of the woman whom Guigemar loves. The man locks his wife away in an enclosure guarded by a castrated man. By doing this, the husband shows a mean, limited devotion to his wife; perhaps even worse, he limits her ability to experience true love. This kind of love does not last; in fact, the husband is cuckolded when his wife has a year-long affair with Guigemar. He is made a fool, the dupe of love. Guigemar, however, in contrast to the old husband, practices selfless love. He is kind and noble, and, although he suffers from his physical wound, the pain of love is keener: â€Å" Love had now pierced him to the quick†¦for the lady had wounded him so deeply†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (De France, Marie. The Lais of Marie de France. Trans. Glyn S. Burgess and Keith Busby [L ondon: Penguin Group, 1986.Print] p.48).† This type of love most closely resembles courtly love. Guigemar endures severe anguish to please his beloved, and his undying love inspires  him to prove himself to her. This lay provides a good example of what Marie de France considers wrong and right in love. We see another selfish love in the story of Bisclavret, a man with a werewolf alter ego who is betrayed by his adulterous wife. Ironically, although her husband is physically a beast, the real beast, as portrayed by Marie de France, is the wife, who not only betrays him, but also marries another man. She is selfishly concerned with her physical desires, something Marie de France considers ignoble and far worse than the jealousy displayed in the story of Guigemar. The selfish love in this story is inspired by sexual desire, a desire that Marie de France sees as a threat to selfless love. Selfish love is again shown in the lay of â€Å"Les Deux Amanz,† in which a young man has to carry his beloved to the top of a mountain without falling in order to prove his worthiness to her father. This seems to be an act of love, but, in fact, when the woman begs her lover to take a potion that will help him reach the top, he reveals another, vainer, motivation: â€Å"These people would shout at us and deafen me their noise†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Burgess and Busby 84). In other words, his desire to reach the mountaintop is motivated at least in part by a need to prove himself to others, and less by the desire to faithfully perform a trial for his beloved. The noble purity of courtly love is not present. Characters demonstrating pure, selfless—even self-denying–devotion are portrayed throughout the lais as examples of true love. In the story of â€Å"Eliduc,† a brave, loyal knight is forced to find a new lord in another land and temporarily leave his wife, Guildeleuc. Although Eliduc meets a new love (Guilliadun), he remains faithful to his wife, demonstrating loyalty, suffering, and therefore a more pure kind of love. He finally marries Guilliadun, but only after Guildeleuc decides to give herself up to God and leave Eliduc. By letting Eliduc marry his true love, Guildeleuc also shows love in its most giving form, but in this case it is a truly spiritual love. This story thus displays two types of selfless love represented by each of his wives: love of God and the love between a man and a woman. Significantly, at the end of the lay, â€Å"He placed his beloved lady with his former wife, by whom she was received honorably as a sister, . . . â€Å" (Burgess and Busby 126). This suggests that pure love can take both a spiritual and worldly form. Central to the Lais of Marie de France, then, is courtly love. While her lais are idealistic in their portrayal of loyalty  and romantic chivalry, historically, marriages among the nobility were dispassionate and practical (Joseph Campbell). Troubadours began to introduce stories of interpersonal relationships and the possibility of romantic love. Although this kind of love directly contradicted the views of the church, it inspired people to take matters of love and relationships into their own hands (Joseph Campbell). This is what Marie de France wants to inspire–the universal knowledge of love and how imperative an aspect it remains in society. The idea is important enough to her to make her text more accessible to society. She begins her prologue by stating: â€Å"When a truly beneficial thing is heard by many people, it then enjoys its first blossom, but if it is widely praised its flowers are in full bloom†(Burgess and Busby 41). She wishes to share her insights about love to everyone, not simply to write inaccessible stories available only to philosophers or the learned. Works Cited â€Å"Backgrounds to Romance: ‘Courtly Love’† Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers [2001]. De France, Marie. The Lais of Marie De France. Trans. Glyn S. Burgess and Keith Busby. London: Penguin Group, 1986. Print.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Can Money Buy Happiness

In our society, people often put great emphasis on materials and possessions. Many believe that having more money would make them happier in life; but does money really provide true happiness? Having the money to provide food, clothing, and shelter is essential for everyone’s well-being and happiness, but after those basic needs are fulfilled more money just offers materials not necessarily happiness. There are many ways I think money does buy happiness. Money increases quality of life which in turn buys happiness. This is only true if one lives within his means, lives a modest life style and pursues happiness the right way. I think most people believe happiness is bought in a store. People overestimate how much pleasure they’ll get when they buy something luxurious. We really don’t need all these extravagant luxuries around us. Are they necessities to life? Are they just things to show your vanity? Or are they just trying to keep up with the Jones’s? In today's materialistic world, the phrase that ‘money can't buy happiness' is tending to be proved hence otherwise. Social research and surveys have shown results based on an individuals income, health and the political scenario which is dominant in his or her region. It is quite obvious that the gap between the privileged and the not so is growing into a great divide giving rise to different class and status, thus defining ones social circle. It should therefore be understood how an individual’s economic status affects their personal happiness throughout all aspects of life. Many tend to refer to this age-old quote especially when they tend to belong to sector of people who can't afford the modern day luxuries of life. What they do not realize is that money, might in fact do just that, buy happiness. On the other hand, those who have pockets as heavy as themselves think that money Is nothing but a burden and a complication in life, which is too networked to figure out. First of all, a comfortable life can be brought if we are rich. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see people complain about their low standard of living. The low educated groups always have to worry about their living. They may worry about losing their jobs as they always work as low skilled workers. Their jobs are not stable at all. They may not be able to cope with their daily lives, let alone being happy. Under such circumstances, money can buy happiness. If they have got more money, they no longer have to worry all the time. The idea of money buying happiness is interesting. Yes, most people feel they do need more money to be happy, but what is that â€Å"happiness† they are speaking of? If that idea means owning newer appliances than before, then money can buy you happiness. If that idea is going out to eat dinner more often, then money can buy you happiness. But, if happiness is truly living one's life to the fullest, then money cannot buy happiness. People know that this idea of happiness is materialistic and shallow, and they are quick to point it out in others, but cannot see it in themselves. Money cannot buy happiness, unless happiness is measured by possessions. Happiness from money is very short lived. While the happiness of people who receive large sums of money might rise immediately after they receive that money, that happiness declines to only slightly above or equal to their level of happiness before the money came to them. Different people have different beliefs of what happiness really is. However, money is often the bane of happiness, as is evidenced that affluent societies are often considerably more unhappy than poorer (not necessarily poverty stricken) countries. This is a sign that too little, or too much money is not a good thing. A balance needs to be struck between earning money and more fulfilling activities. This is because happiness is not a state to be ‘achieved’ but a virtue, and all happiness is relative. Happiness is a virtue. Happiness cannot be ‘achieved’ or ‘attained’ through earning money. Money can be seen as the opposite of happiness. The rich often wield power, due to their wealth, which in turn corrupts their morals.